2019 Best Disaster Response and Community Resilience Program Finalists

FedEx Corporation

FedEx and International Medical Corps have innovated disaster response by redesigning an emergency field hospital to create rapidly deployable medical assets and health facilities to more effectively respond to global disasters.

The company's logisticians collaborated with International Medical Corps to modularize the hospital’s assets for specific emergency needs and warehouse them at the FedEx Memphis global hub to speed deployment.

After three years, the collaboration has enabled health centers to conduct 290,000 consultations and deliver 14,700 hygiene kits to Puerto Ricans following Hurricane Maria; delivered 30,000 pounds of medical shelters and personal protective equipment to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to treat patients, ensure health workers’ safety, and help support 993,000 Ebola screenings; and offered continued care to almost 4,000 patients in Florida after Hurricane Michael.

More than 1 million people have received services as a result of this collaboration. Together, FedEx and International Medical Corps are better prepared to respond to disasters and are building greater community resiliency.

Johnson Controls

Lumkani Device V4 - 800x470.jpeg

Johnson Controls Lumkani
© Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls and social enterprise Lumkani have safeguarded a vulnerable population that had no protection from dwelling fires. The impoverished area of Imizamo Yethu in Cape Town, South Africa, is home to tens of thousands of residents in informal settlements. 

Johnson Controls’ technology experts worked alongside Lumkani’s dwelling analysts to create a fire sensor that is more resistant to false alarms and effectively alerts residents of fires. 

Today, 5,200 homes and 14,000 residents in Imizamo Yethu are better protected. The sensor’s battery lasts 10 years, the fire location can be pinpointed using GPS, and alarms sound within a 40-meter radius whenever fire is detected. In the first nine months after installation, eleven fires have been successfully detected and fought, mitigating losses of more than $1 million in property and possessions.

SpotOnResponse LLC

SpotOnResponse LLC is a disaster management technology company that created the nonprofit SABER (Single Automated Business Exchange for Reporting). SABER is a clearinghouse for information sharing during disasters that provides the key public service of informing governments of business operating status to help set community recovery priorities.

Using SpotOnResponse technologies, SABER collects, processes, and analyzes information from dozens of members representing more than 120,000 business locations. This can guide government resource allocation and business-to-business collaboration to speed restoration.

Early members included the state of Florida, Walgreens, Walmart, Costco, Target, Lowes, Sears, Macy’s, and Boyd Gaming. SABER has helped in the Midwest floods, winter storms, and 10 hurricanes. This fall, it tracked status and needs of nearly 4,000 commercial locations in Hurricane Dorian to help businesses get back in business faster.