Bye Bye 2022
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Looking back on 2022 fills me with pride and a sense of awe at all the team has accomplished in 12 short months. The Center for Education and Workforce at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation continues to conceive of and lead long-term systems change in education and workforce—the underpinnings of American competitiveness and prosperity.
Garrett Sheehan speaking at the TPM NLN Summit
Connecticut Office of Workforce Strategy (OWS) received $24 million in federal funding to expand job training programs that have struggled to meet demand amid a shortage of skilled workers in the state. Garrett Sheehan, president and CEO of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce, discussed the talent challenge OWS focused on when they first applied to the Good Jobs Challenge.
Two students sitting at a table facing a laptop
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At a time when we need to address STEM labor shortages, we cannot afford to leave segments of our population behind. The National Science Foundation (NSF) supports a strategy to address these issues through the newly funded Community College Presidents’ Initiative in STEM Education. Community colleges, serving the most diverse student body in higher education, are fertile ground for effective diversification of the STEM workforce. 51% of community college students taking college credit classes are students of color.
Father Playing with Kids in Bedroom
The loss of eligibility for public safety-net programs and the benefits they provide as income rises above eligibility limits is called a “benefit cliff.” Benefits cliffs can significantly impact lower-wage workers and their families financially and may act as a disincentive for pursuing modest promotions and incremental raises and career development.
