
2023 Citizens Awards

Businesses of all sizes and chambers of commerce are eligible to apply for the Citizens Awards. Continue reading below to determine whether your business is eligible. 

  • Awards are open to businesses of all sizes, trade associations, and chambers of commerce. 
  • Any eligible entity may nominate itself or be nominated by a third party. If multiple companies would like to submit a nomination on behalf of their partnership, they may apply as a group. Given the public format of finalist information, third-party nominators should ensure the nominated entity is aware of the application and prepared to participate in awards activities.   
  • Eligible entities can be nominated for more than one category, but a separate application is required for each category. Additionally, while a company can be nominated in multiple categories, they will only be named a finalist in one category. 
  • Past winners are not eligible to submit an application for two years in the category for which they won. For example, 2020 award winners are not eligible until 2023 for the category in which they won in 2020. Immediate past winners are, however, more than welcome to submit nominations in new categories! 

There is no fee to submit a nomination, and no limit for the number of nominations a business can submit across categories.

Sponsorship opportunities are available

Please contact Rebecca Mousseau if interested.