Peter Fadoul

Peter Fadoul
Manager, Sustainability and Circular Economy Program

Peter is manager of the Sustainability and Circular Economy program at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center (CCC), where he contributes to the Foundation’s original research, programming, content and convenings in corporate sustainability. Peter brings particular expertise in climate solutions including clean energy and electrified transportation, and circular economy themes including recycling and recovery system optimization, circular business models, and alternative materials innovation.

Prior to joining the Chamber Foundation, Peter was a founding employee of Generation180, a national nonprofit committed to helping consumers embrace their role in the clean energy transition. Projects of focus included research and programming in renewables procurement for K-12 schools, electric vehicle deployment, and implementation of climate-focused consumer behavior change frameworks.

Peter is a Washington, D.C. area native and holds a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law (PPEL) from the University of Richmond. He discovered his passion for sustainability issues while studying international politics and economics abroad in Cape Town, South Africa and Córdoba, Argentina.

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