
TPM Resource Guide: A Compendium for High-Quality CTE
Leaders across sectors are investing time and resources in forward-looking models to address our workforce challenges for the talent we need now and into the future. One key component of this is building stronger partnerships between employers and the CTE community—bridging the communication divide by providing each with an orientation of the other. This resource guide serves not only as an introduction to the TPM framework, but that more CTE systems and programs can begin leveraging and benefiting from this authentically employer-led movement.
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America is in need of a new pathway to opportunity, one where employers, government, and learners share in the risk of talent development. Our current education and training systems are struggling to align to the changing workforce development needs of the economy, and there is a need for expanded leadership and investment from the business community. We need a new approach that will create shared value and more effective pathways to employment. Now is the time to act.

Recent federal legislation, such as the Every Student Succeeds Act, has brought national attention to improving both college and career readiness. Career development is a critical component, but there is widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of today’s services. Best practices are well-positioned to better inform and prepare students for the world of work; however, there is one notable limitation—they are not designed to foster employer leadership. As companies look to create a pipeline of talent to compete on a global stage, how can the business community secure and maintain the supports it needs to play an expanded role in career development?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) proposes a transformational approach to prepare youth to develop stronger innovation and workplace skills through real-world experiences. By placing a stronger emphasis on employer-led problem based learning at all education levels, innovation moves from the periphery to the center of the curriculum.