
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation works to promote and empower women business leaders to achieve their personal and professional goals by increasing opportunities for women to serve on corporate boards and in the C-suite; mentoring women at all stages of their careers; and building a network for women entrepreneurs to encourage peer-to-peer networking, education, and professional growth.

Find and access current and archived content on women's issues and topics that impact women in the workforce in our database. 


High-Quality Childcare is Business' Problem Too

Until very recently, caring for young children was considered a family, actually a woman’s, responsibility. But things are changing. The workforce of today looks quite different. Leading employers have identified this shift and recognize that acknowledging it is a winning proposition, both for their business and for America’s future. The changing nature of the workforce and shifting employee expectations provide the business community with a unique opportunity to lead the way in implementing family friendly policies that support their employees and make economic sense for the business’ bottom line.

Inspiring Girls in STEM

Breaking down STEM barriers starts in the classroom, providing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) learning in an inclusive digital environment. And this education shouldn’t be limited to high school students. Igniting STEM interest in middle school increases girls’ STEM interest later in their education.
