
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation works to promote and empower women business leaders to achieve their personal and professional goals by increasing opportunities for women to serve on corporate boards and in the C-suite; mentoring women at all stages of their careers; and building a network for women entrepreneurs to encourage peer-to-peer networking, education, and professional growth.

Find and access current and archived content on women's issues and topics that impact women in the workforce in our database. 


Women in business are taking on more leadership positions throughout America’s free enterprise system. Their talent and leadership are critical to our economy’s success and the development of a 21st century workforce. In partnership with Georgetown University's Dr. Catherine Tinsley, the U.S.

We are living in a new era of business, one where international trade and e-commerce have almost completely taken shape. This new era of business and innovation has opened up the world to an entirely new demographic of invigorated and inspired business leaders: women.

The Role of Business in Empowering Women

The Business Civic Leadership Center (BCLC) and the United Nations Office for Partnerships, in partnership with the Center for Women in Business, hosted “The Role of Business in Empowering Women” at the United Nations Headquarters on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2012. (Photo Slideshow)  A simultaneous tweet chat took place with hundreds of participants watching online and discussing the event using #CSRwomen.


The full event is available for viewing in the videos below.
