
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation works to promote and empower women business leaders to achieve their personal and professional goals by increasing opportunities for women to serve on corporate boards and in the C-suite; mentoring women at all stages of their careers; and building a network for women entrepreneurs to encourage peer-to-peer networking, education, and professional growth.

Find and access current and archived content on women's issues and topics that impact women in the workforce in our database. 


FutureProofing - PNC
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How do you pitch giving back as good business? And how do you make a financial services company care—really care—about making a dent in early childhood education, an issue that doesn’t show up anywhere on the balance sheet? These were the questions that the leaders of the PNC Foundation had to answer if PNC was going to play a huge role in improving early childhood education in the communities they serve. The research was clear and irrefutable. The benefits of quality early childhood education are not only social, but economic, with a benefit as high as $16 for every dollar invested. And today’s preschoolers are tomorrow’s workforce.
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© Getty Images
Ben Schiesl, a summer intern for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, writes about the leadership skills he’s gained as a Division I diver and coach. He highlights three distinct qualities that are applicable in sports and any leadership position.

Talent Forward 2018

The Talent Forward conference welcomes leaders and change makers in the business and education communities, industry and human resource partners, and other community leaders to discuss the most critical topic in our country today: our workforce.

Parents Look to Employers for Childcare Reform

A new survey released this month by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Morning Consult sheds new light on parent's attitudes to childcare and the role for employers in that conversation. According to the survey, 4 in 5 working parents say it’s important that the business community lead the way in providing access to quality and affordable childcare. 
