2020 TPM NLN Virtual Spring Summit

Please note, this event is now a virtual event. 

Growth of the Talent Pipeline Management (TPM) initiative has continued thanks to a national network of TPM leaders and champions. This group is now more than 300 professionals and is called the National Learning Network (NLN). Each year we gather these experts to network with their peers, discuss the initiative, the evolution of the TPM Academy, as well as opportunities for the future of TPM.

This half-day session will help enhance your TPM efforts, no matter where you are in implementation. Topics include fundraising and sustainability, advocacy and policy, industry-specific breakouts, and applying TPM in an economic recession. 

Join the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and your colleagues on May 20, 2020 for the TPM NLN Virtual Spring Summit. This event is limited to NLN members and their partners. With questions about eligibility to attend, please contact workforce@uschamber.com