Health and Wellness

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation publishes content on health and wellness and related issues. Find and access current and archived items in our database. 

Student raising hand in class
© iStock
Research suggests that 1 in 4 children in the U.S. has a vision problem—an estimated 12.1 million children. As we look to end the social impact of poor vision, we must advocate for higher level changes at the government and private sector levels. It’s clear that with so many larger societal issues linked to poor vision – like education, poverty, good health, and even gender equity – vision is a cause we must address if we are to create resilient societies. 

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Announces Winners of the 23rd Annual Citizens Awards

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation announced the recipients of its 23rd Annual Citizens Awards – eight companies that have shown exceptional leadership in harnessing innovation and creativity to solve our most pressing issues. From developing a STEM program to support the future aerospace workforce, to reducing waste and emissions across the supply chain, to delivering critical relief items to Ukrainian refugees, these companies illustrate how strong businesses are the foundation of strong communities.

Healthcare Coalition Business in Action Interview Series

We sat down with business leaders driving the global corporate response to COVID-19 to learn more about their efforts, how they are navigating this uncharted territory, and what advice they have for others. Next up in our COVID-19 Business in Action interview series are Dr. Jay J. Schnitzer, chief medical and technology officer, MITRE, and Dr. John Halamka, president of Mayo Clinic Platform.

Partnering to Feed Students & Families During COVID-19

While approximately 124,000 schools are closed for classroom learning, 95% continue to remain open to provide emergency meal assistance for students during the pandemic. More than 30 million American children depend on school meals for a significant portion of their daily nutrition, whether school is in session or not.

As the economic climate worsens and unemployment rises, the pressure to feed our nation’s youth continues to escalate – and the approach of summer complicates things further.

Parenting During the Pandemic: Supporting Teens, Tweens and Ourselves Through Challenging Times

For many parents, trying to do their own jobs while helping their teens and tweens cope and keep up with their school work has become one of the most challenging aspects of the pandemic. Active Minds’ Chief Program Officer Laura Horne, MPH, CHES, will moderate a Q&A-style panel that will deliver expert advice and tips for balancing parenting and work during the pandemic. 

How Brands Are Responding to COVID-19: Flattening Our Mental Health Curve

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic downturn have negatively affected many people’s mental health and created new barriers for people already suffering from mental illness and substance use disorders. To address what’s now seen as the next pandemic, brands have stepped up to create innovative partnerships designed to support employees, frontline workers, and other vulnerable populations in these trying times. In this latest TeleTalk, the U.S.
