Economic Growth

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is dedicated to promoting initiatives that grow our nation's economy. 

Read the Foundation's report, The Growth Imperative, for more information about the importance of faster economic growth.


Father Playing with Kids in Bedroom
The loss of eligibility for public safety-net programs and the benefits they provide as income rises above eligibility limits is called a “benefit cliff.” Benefits cliffs can significantly impact lower-wage workers and their families financially and may act as a disincentive for pursuing modest promotions and incremental raises and career development.
Three people engaged in conversation following council meeting sessions
In response to growing childcare challenges across the nation, the U.S. Chamber Foundation partnered with the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) to support the expansion of high-quality, affordable childcare in communities and states across the country by establishing the Early Childhood and Business Advisory Council.
Black Male Developer
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While corporations may use background policies or educational requirements as proxies for trust or ability, this isn’t borne out in the data. More importantly, it means that they are missing out on a highly committed, often diverse candidate pool that could contribute to their bottom line.
2021 Untapped Potential Hero Image
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation partnered with the business communities in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas, and their early education partners, to understand just how much breakdowns in childcare cost each state. In this study we looked at the causes of childcare challenges as well as motivations behind why parents select various childcare providers. Knowing many employers want to facilitate more access to childcare but do not know where to begin, we sought to learn what types of childcare benefits working parents desire most from employers.
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Over the last year and a half, we’ve seen a transformational shift in how we view our education and workforce systems. The pandemic has changed the nature of work, how we view skills, and put a spotlight on a dire workforce shortage and the need to re-think how we recruit and hire. There are currently more than 10 million open jobs, yet only 7.4 million unemployed people.
