Economic Empowerment

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation publishes content on economic empowerment and related issues. Find and access current and archived items in our database. 

Phyllis Calderon, Shaykara Webster, Yvonne Eloisebo, Leo Brownfield IV, and Arlene Donovan
The work being done through the Coalition to Back Black Businesses (CBBB) is not only empowering Black entrepreneurs across the U.S., but also the communities they serve. With access to capital being a major issue, CBBB grants help to create opportunities and economic growth that benefits everyone. Now, we’re sharing the stories of the business owners directly impacted by CBBB and how they’re advocating for equal access to opportunity.
13th Annual International Women's Day Forum
© Ralph Alswang
We cannot underestimate the importance of helping women and girls develop financial acumen to position them for success, no matter their life stage or unique journey. It will positively impact our democracy, our economy and our society. To strengthen financial resilience and confidence for women, we must improve their access to financial education and resources. This starts with business taking the responsibility to ensure a more equitable future for all and continuing to make progress in our commitments to build more inclusive workplaces where everyone can advance and thrive.
The U.S. Chamber Foundation's Coalition to Back Black Business (CBBB) today announced it has awarded $5,000 grants to 324 Black small business owners representing 40 states, District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands, delivering on its mission to advance the long-term success and resilience of America’s Black-owned small businesses.
Father Playing with Kids in Bedroom
The loss of eligibility for public safety-net programs and the benefits they provide as income rises above eligibility limits is called a “benefit cliff.” Benefits cliffs can significantly impact lower-wage workers and their families financially and may act as a disincentive for pursuing modest promotions and incremental raises and career development.
Apostrophe Puzzles
© Apostrophe Puzzles
Masden started Apostrophe Puzzles to showcase the work of contemporary artists of color in December 2019 and received a grant from the Coalition to Back Black Businesses (CBBB) last year. The multi-year initiative founded in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, American Express, and the nation’s four leading Black chambers – provides critical support and immediate financial aid to Black-owned small businesses through grants, mentorship, and other resources.
