Health and Wellness

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation publishes content on health and wellness and related issues. Find and access current and archived items in our database. 

Student raising hand in class
© iStock
Research suggests that 1 in 4 children in the U.S. has a vision problem—an estimated 12.1 million children. As we look to end the social impact of poor vision, we must advocate for higher level changes at the government and private sector levels. It’s clear that with so many larger societal issues linked to poor vision – like education, poverty, good health, and even gender equity – vision is a cause we must address if we are to create resilient societies. 
Ill woman working from home office
© Getty Images

Why is fighting the flu important for every business and every employee? In addition to keeping your team healthy and working, flu season is once again colliding with the COVID-19 pandemic this year. Business owners and leaders play a vital role in encouraging employees to get the flu vaccine.
