Dedicated to equipping all students with the knowledge, skill, and competence to succeed in the jobs of tomorrow.

Globally, U.S. students rank 17th in literacy, 21st in science, and 26th in math. Today’s K–12 education system is complex, and that complexity often leads to students underprepared for the career ahead of them. Our participation in this national conversation involves promoting programs and policies that work to close academic achievement gaps, supporting effective teachers, and providing the education community with the resources and tools necessary to address the education challenges of today and tomorrow.

Business Leads Initiative

The Business Leads initiative, through its series of programs, is developing business community leaders to help better connect K-12 education systems and students to opportunity.

Advised by national experts, leaders participating in these programs, the Fellowship Program and Career Readiness Lab, work hand-in-hand with community workforce development agencies, chambers of commerce, and education systems to develop successful career pathways that are aligned to real opportunity and jobs.

Fellowship Program

Responding to the needs of state and local chambers of commerce, this business leadership program is designed to help address the most pressing education and workforce issues in communities across the country by training and equipping fellows with resources, access to experts, and a network of peers to build their capacity to address these challenges.

Career Readiness Lab

Through our work, we have identified one primary avenue for new forms of business engagement in career readiness: work-based learning. This program provides support to state and local chambers of commerce to implement new work-based learning programs that connect students with academic and experiential learning opportunities in their community, aligned to the economic needs of the region. 

Achieving Tomorrow's Voices


Preparing the students of today for the business of tomorrow

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. They are future innovators, disruptors, job creators, and entrepreneurs. They will invent new technologies, launch new enterprises, and cure terminal diseases. That's why businesses are committed to bridging the gap between policy and practice. Because of this commitment, today’s students will have the skills needed to move America forward.

Achieving Tomorrow’s Voices highlights the impact educators, administrators, community leaders, parents, and businesses can have when they join forces to help students succeed. Visit the website to hear stories from Alabama, Arizona, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada, and Texas. When you get there, subscribe to stay up to date as new communities are added.