
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation publishes content on competitiveness and related issues. Find and access current and archived items in our database. 

The Future of Training at Honeywell
© Honeywell
Companies, like those last night at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation reception on Building the Workforce of the Future, understand that within their walls lies a tremendous amount of institutional knowledge and human life experience. Last night we saw two companies, Honeywell and Toyota, who aren’t afraid to dip a toe in the water of the future of training. They are transforming the learning experience for their workforce by leveraging a combination of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
Building the Workforce of the Future
© U.S. Chamber of Commerce
On Monday, the U.S. Chamber revealed a new art installation, “Building the Workforce of the Future,” showcasing some of America’s leading employers in workforce development efforts. These employers are: PNC, The Home Depot, IBM, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, the Greater Houston Partnership, Wyoming Machine, and Novelis. The display illustrates the work of these companies, across the four phases of the nation’s talent pipeline, to close the skills gap and cultivate a highly-trained workforce of tomorrow.

Talent Forward 2018

The Talent Forward conference welcomes leaders and change makers in the business and education communities, industry and human resource partners, and other community leaders to discuss the most critical topic in our country today: our workforce.

Udemy_What Should Workers Learn
Learning and development (L&D) leaders need to shift how they’ve traditionally approached their jobs—from being the gatekeepers of knowledge to being facilitators of learning. It’s time to put employees in the driver’s seat with self-service learning resources that satisfy both immediate hard-skill needs as well as the soft skills they’ll use and refine over the course of their entire careers. Though no one has a crystal ball to tell you exactly where to focus, here are some core principles to follow as you set up a learning culture where employees are free to learn and upskill on their own terms.
CPCC Apprenticeships_Featured
Vocational learning has evolved over the years. In the past, it referred to individuals learning particular skills in fields such as welding, plumbing and automotive services. Today’s vocational training looks vastly different. Students are acquiring skills in advanced manufacturing, mechatronics, computer-integrated machining, and other highly technical fields of study. Classrooms have been replaced with employers’ manufacturing headquarters, and students are finding employment before they even graduate college.
NAEP Scores Urge Back to Basics
Last week, the results of the 2017 administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as our “Nation’s Report Card,” were released. Not only do these numbers forecast a lack of proficient workers for future businesses, but they also show how we are failing to provide a valuable education and opportunities for the students who need it the most.
Nashville Chamber Career Fair
At the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, we believe strongly in investing in education as a way to help support the region’s continued prosperity and engaging community leaders. To encourage young people to think more proactively about their prospective job opportunities– and help area employers better understand and connect with future workers – the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce partners with Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) to host an annual “My Future, My Way” career fair that brings the district’s 7,000 9th grade students together with more than 300 business leaders.
STEM Scholars Event Wrap-Up

During our discussion about careers at the March 27 event at Hayes Middle School in West Virginia, many students indicated a desire to be a doctor or a veterinarian - careers traditionally popular among middle school-aged students. Loftis’ class, however, knows what it takes to get to these popular career choices. After participating in the STEM Scholars program, students demonstrate a better grasp of the STEM skills required to pursue these careers. 

Where Data and Technology Converge to Improve the Talent Marketplace

Our meeting on March 7, the first in a series led as a joint effort between the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Lumina Foundation, kicked off an eight month sprint of work to improve the talent marketplace. All of the organizations involved are experts on today’s emerging technologies, such as semantic web standards (e.g., linked data), distributed ledger technologies (e.g., blockchain), artificial intelligence, and machine learning. We know that these technologies have the power, if leveraged properly, to transform the talent marketplace and drive future innovation. 

Parents Look to Employers for Childcare Reform

A new survey released this month by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Morning Consult sheds new light on parent's attitudes to childcare and the role for employers in that conversation. According to the survey, 4 in 5 working parents say it’s important that the business community lead the way in providing access to quality and affordable childcare. 
